Friday, March 26, 2021

Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one. Angels In the Sky, All the Time, Goodness and Mercy, Angels out, angels to see, in the first morning lights.

 Live and learn, live and grow, live and laugh, lots of love, lots of hard knocks, schools to attend, classes on love and hate, babes to keep, bitches with five stars. COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW. One of the best. Love, lights, lessons, songs in the winds.

Hestia , Goddess of the Hearth , Home , Domesticity ,Virginity, Family ,Hope you guys still like it.All we need is LOVE.


Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one. Angels In the Sky, All the Time, Goodness and Mercy, Angels out, angels to see, in the first morning lights. Stars to shine in the day time, in that perfect place, in the lands.In A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.

 Do you know Tom?How about Dick, or Harry, Tom's dick, is not hairy, have to laugh,back in the day, what a son to shine, waves to makes, faces in the mud.

Do you know Tom?How about Dick, or Harry, Tom's dick, is not hairy, have to laugh,back in the day, what a son to shine, waves to makes, faces in the mud.
TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)Laughter Rocks.. Benjamin.Disneyland passes, strangers to friends. Su...

Orchestration - Fatalism? Why is it only people can go to Heaven? Because we posses Self-Determination? Choices. If God didn't exist we would have the need to create him/her they say. Profound stuff, what?

Johnny Depp get ready to rock . Rocking and rolling, sons to shine, stars and wishes, hugs and kisses, dances in the clouds, all night long. Word of a mother, a mom, a bitch with stars. People beware: Back In Time, Oh, What A Show, Heads Up, Fingers In The Air, Love The Shot, Thanks So Much. Rock Your Life!
'Bad Company,Leslie Bailey,Excuses, assholes, crooks, cheaters, liars, *sprinkles fairy dust on everything*Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles.'Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs. INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.

Amen to the battles and wars won, pages to turn, cheers again, lots of claps. Face Time .Angie Agresti ? You Get Pregnant By a Cornball & Now You Gotta Raise A Popcorn SMH Give Me More:Grown Woman Now: Songs And Dance Shows, Pop King, Lots Of Lovesick veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Lovers Talk.Questions:Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. 
CRAZYANDWEIRDSADSTORIESOFMILITARYJOES.BLOGSPOT.COM You have to accept that you can’t change the past experiences,opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours.
Johnny Depp get ready to rock . Rocking and rolling, sons to shine, stars and wishes, hugs and kisses, dances in the clouds, all night lo...

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'PEOPLE SAY ACT LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. AASSN MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.'

 Thanks so much.Monkeys,5151: Made in America .Gods and wars, Mars and Romans, Battles to win, coins to flip. Tales of kings, tales of love at first sight, something stuck in your eye?Black Male Image,It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-Lyrics.Daily Events, Rebirths And Let's Go Somewhere !!You have to accept that you can’t change the past experiences,opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours.



OCFAIR.COM Pig Cam | OC Fair & Event Center - Costa Mesa, CA BELLS AND HORNS, BLUE JAYS IN THE WINDS, SONGS IN DOGWOOD TREES. HEAVEN OR ... Word up, share the decades of lucky breaks, you may have had, or not, Son to shine bright, over the bumps, retired from the rat race, on one hand, witty and wise, ways to stay alive.

If you’re upside down and don’t know what to do or if you need a fast sell call one of theses numbers. Instant debt relief, save your credit, save your equity, save your family. Word up, share the decades of lucky breaks, you may have had, or not, Son to shine bright, over the bumps, retired from the rat race, on one hand, witty and wise, ways to stay alive.


  • Dicks, dikes, bitches in heat, cheap tricks, how to make a buck, wales on land, hoes, horses, cattle runs. Crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the dirt, mud, and fecal matters. Good time toads, steers,queers, Upland dikes, cattle runs. Free milk, why buy the cows, faces in layers of shit, dung and fecal matters. Family affairs, peas to pods, frogs to ponds, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides. Lions, Tigers, And Bears, Oh My, Balls To Hoes, Flags To Fly, Sons To Shine, Dances With Knights. Running Back To Gods House, Angels To Host. “All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”

  • No voice has ever spoken such transcendent truth with such authority and communicated it so effectively. It will be many generations before music again produces an artist so respected and beloved world-wide as Bob Marley."Rossa Lina
    Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again. Jewish whales, family affairs, Cons to run.
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    Hello, hi, hola, greet and meet, mind to mind, dances in the clouds, silent knights, 420 friends, nuts to stand alone. Tall Ships, Paths Cross, Water Views, Pebble Time: THINGS IN COMMON. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Bad George+Little Devil​ thank you dear sister I love this. Persistence....... "Nothing in the would can take the place of persistence. FAIRY TALES, RED HOODS TALES. HANDS ON: BABES, BEACHES,GLORY DAZES.

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 Hey. You need a hug, I think. I'm sending you one right now. It's gonna be okay.Other People’s Money. Hey, quick question. Would you like to earn income by lending other people's money?Chasing The Monuments.TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A Fuck.

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Cows and cattle, rude: Rach Jay youre the crackhole.. rude for a big, fat, land whale, dyke to date, tricks to turn, pussies for fun, balls in the air, balls and dicks in line, movies with sluts, movies to see, family hits, so many to share, tips and tales, history to share, classes on lover and haters, coins to flip.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.
cash in hands. jacqueline jarrot muccillo...Blue Oceans, Seas Of Changes, Services Sold

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Tin cans, RV campers, pimps on wheels, tricks and trades, dicks to cum, mouth open wide, Steven And Rach Jarrot, 7608512267, lovers of shit, haters of veterans, black women, and working classes. Dates with frogs. Night to follow day, dances on the sands of time, born to follow, not all the time, teachers and students, hats to wear. Songs to play, songs to dance the nights away, good times to share. Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

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Songs to sing, hearts broken, hearts cracked, faces to turn, snakes and worms, gifts to share, tales in the air, glory days done. changes in the winds. Rach Jay FART FACE BUTT CRACK, MY MOTHER AND FATHER: Sherri and Steven Jarrot, I am just like them. Apples to the basket cases, retards also.Abby Collins-Rachel Jay, or Rachel Jarrot: youre the fartface. Faces in the mirror, terms of endearment, with friends or foes, family of snakes, crooks and frogs, plenty to dodge.

It was impossible for someone to spend time with him without laughing their ass off. I liked him a lot and he seemed to like me http://too.Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars

That knife you stuck in my back became useful when it came time to cut my ties with you.Hard to say, do not like the picture, do no like the horse and pony shows. Words in waves, dances in the rain, over the mountains, over the seven seas,over the rainbows.CELEBRATE EVERY ACHIEVEMENT...EVEN IF IT'S GETTING OUT OF BED. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. LOVE YOURSELF. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. HONOR ALL THINGS, EVERY STEP.'.Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one. Angels In the Sky, All the Time, Goodness and Mercy, Angels out, angels to see, in the first morning lights.

May be an image of 8 people, people standing and text

You are not intimidate by the financial, emotional, spiritual stability of his Goodness. For the contrary you celebrate her qualities and your Goodness's accomplishments.Happy Campers Under the Stars.Lucky Stars:Dark Skies.

Lots of laughs, for a knight of the old schools, baby boomers, the rest are too green.
Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Great picture.Peas in a pod,twins and a a spare, lots of love, lot of the womb, three parts, views of the love, still in tack. Nice shot, thanks.....Remember that.

Chicago..Social Media Dogwood. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you learn, pages in books, recaps to recall. Party views online, sophistry to note. Ready To Turn Around, Persistence Pays Daily:
Hard to say, do not like the picture, do no like the horse and pony shows. Words in waves, dances in the rain, over the mountains, over the seven seas,over the rainbows.

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